Sunday, January 15, 2012

I love you, I love you

Footsteps at the Door
I read this poem. It beautifully depicts the myriad of emotions that go along with being an Army Wife.

Another sleepless night for me
Alone upon our bed
I see again his every move
And those last words he said.

So proud he looked in uniform
Convinced that he was right
He had to go, for duty called
There was a war to fight.

Those last few days before he left
I hid the pain inside
We talked and loved and even joked
He never knew I cried.

And when the dreaded moment came
He kissed me tenderly
His eyes met mine, and then he said,
"I'll be all right, you'll see."

I tried to smile and nod my head
Afraid to let him see
The terror that I feared if he
Did not come back to me.

His precious children hugged his neck
He told them to be good
And help their mommy out at home
And mind her like they should

They were too young to realize
That Dad would not be there
To tuck them in their beds at night
Or listen to their prayers.

I see him as he walked away
I tried to say "good-bye"
But words were trapped within my throat
All I could do was cry.

The weeks have stretched now into months
And every night I pray
That God will keep him in His care
And bring him home one day.

I do not moan beneath the load
Of all that I must do
My children will see strength in me
Until this war is through.

At last I drift off into sleep
In dreams I see him more
I turn around and smile to hear
His footsteps at the door.

Restless I sleep, and then I wake
Not opening my eyes
I move my hand to reach for him
But no one near me lies.

I will not give in to despair
With each new day I'll cope
For I know he would want me to
Be brave and live with hope.

I hear the voices loud and strong
Who criticize the war
While yelling men are fools to go
They stay on freedom's shore.

A man who cowers under fear
Will die a thousand deaths
While men like mine for freedom fight
And offer their last breaths.

I hope perhaps in fifty years
When men remember war
They won't forget the wives who dreamed
Of footsteps at the door.

By:Gwen C. Rollings

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

best text EVERRR!

ok just got the magic text - you have a date for R&R!!!!!!!

I love you, I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I submitted my last final tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm waiting to find out about the stupid externship! Hopefully by my next blog post I'll have that info and be working on my final 10 week term!

LOVES!!! xoxo

Friday, September 23, 2011

September... Come and almost gone?!

I had a feeling this would happen, school would start and we'd be super busy! Can't say I'm complaining though! We have had the school carnival, orientation, my second to last term finished up and of course birthday party after birthday party... This weekend we're heading to see Thomas, then Sunday we're goin to see Lion King! I cannot believe the end of next week is October! Flippin October!! Yessssss!We miss you so much baby! I know what I'm getting you for Christmas/bday, and I cannot WAIT! Love u. Ps it's almost 16 of 52!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

it is becoming obvious..

that I can only keep up with this blog about once a week now LOL!

Five things :)

1 JR started school!
2 JR turned the big 6!
3 I registered for Dave Ramseys $$ makeover online
4 I registered for my last term of schooooooool!!!!!
5 I started getting some ideas to redecorate and revamp the house -- reading blogs on ways to do it for cheap or free hheehe I'm becoming so thrifty!

(if you have time :) !!)A lot of things have happened this last week :) Jarrett started school last Thursday, and then turned around two days later and turned 6. Goodness!! I cannot believe it, but at the same time I can and I know you are so proud of him, Babe! This week has flown by - I've been concentrating really hard on the finances, and the house. I decided to get out of my funk I needed some things that I enjoy, since I've just gotten so bogged down with school. I have found the wonderful world of blog-land... oh goodness B, I love, love, LOVE to read about other people's ideas and see pics and how-to's! So I have a lot of ideas and I'm just trying to decide where to begin. I think living room/kitchen and then Hot Wheels Office. But I really really want to do our room :) I revamped Bub's in a few subtle ways but it made a huge difference! I moved his bed and put the drawers-side to the wall. The bed looks SO much better now that it's just the clean brown side showing :) One of his bday presents I got him is a Hot Wheels track that attaches to the wall - it IS SO COOL! So I put that on the corner wall where H bed used to be, and he has a ton of space around the corner where he plays and builds his track. He actually plays in there now!!! Then I moved his dresser into his closet, just so that he had more floor space. This weekend I'm planning to paint his chalkboard, yay!

So today I start unit 7... YES! SEVEN!!!!!!!!! which means I only have 3 weeks left to this term - wahooooooooooooooooooo! Registered for next term, which really gave me the motivation and kick in the pants that I've been lacking. She said, "I see this is your last term, congratulations!" and I about sh!t my pants!!! I have been jealous of other students along the way who, during introductions, say, "It's my last term," and now it's finally my turn :) It's a silly thing to be excited about, but I can finally FINALLLLLY see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know one day I'll be glad I stuck it out. But for now I'm just working and working to make the grade and finish up strong baby.

So I told you I registered for Dave's class online. I am SOOOOOO EXCITED! Dang this guy is SUCH a motivational speaker!! He makes you want to do everything like "rightthisminute"!!! SERIOUSLY! I've driven past McDonald's twice now (where originally I'd be like, "ooh a breakfast mcgriddle sounds good," or whatnot. Now I'm like, "I can put that $3 to something else," ahhhhhhh that will make things so much easier to pay down and ultimately pay off. And! he gave us access on the website to a budget builder/planner that calculates things automatically. In MY plan of paying things off, I did not pay Mom loan off over the year - but I figured we could pay the remainder of hers with some of the SDP$$. On the Dave plan I included every debt (minus car/house -- need to add consol. loan) and they will ALL be paid off by the time you are home! Woooohooooo! I am super excited! This means we will be saving about $700 every month, just in payments (because the APR will go back up)!! $300 something to WFB, $200 to Mom, $100 to USAA, $50 to Best Buy, 332 consol. loan... Almost have his baby step#1 accomplished, which is $1000 in savings.

PS. by saving that $$, that's our child support payment. hehehehe

Life is GREAT baby!!!!! I am also in a purging mood where I want to throw away stuff we've been clinging to for no apparent reason. My decor style I am going for is simple and clean, no clutter and very like simple. That's the best way to describe it. And I've found an awesomeeeee blog that I started following, getting inspiration from her a lott.

Gotta get some lessons done (for Dave) while Brady's sleeeepin. Love you!

love, love, love youu!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can't believe I missed countdown day!!

So busy the last two weeks baby! Had JR orientation this morning and his teacher is sooo nice! She was an air force wife, and her hubby is now retired. He is so excites he can hardly stand it! In other news Brady is getting his two bottom teeth and starting to babble a lot - so cute! I'm starting unit 6 in class and I'm over most of my funk for now. I'm hopin next term I'm so excited to finish that I don't get in a funk at all.

Started celebrating "5days of birthdays" today! JR asked yesterday if we could do that, so he'll open one each day, and the rest on Saturday. I have somethin coming in the mail from you (amazon) and mom said she sent your card for you. He isgetting so big, this week is hard for me. Turning 6 and startin kindergarten all in one week!

Also was gonna say something else but it's floating out of y head... I'll pop on when I remember and add it. Love you love you!!!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Goodbye, July!

Well it is now August, and we are managing to keep ourselves pretty busy! There are only 9 days left until the first day of school, and I am really reallllllly not ready!! It was one thing to send JR to preschool and pre-k, but it is so different sending him to SCHOOL!! Kindergarten - seemed so far away and now it's NEXT WEEK! UGH. B wish you were here, because I'm not so sure I won't cry.

But I am so proud of Bub, he is always such a big huge help and I love that he pays attention and takes note of even the smallest thing. I was pulling the laundry basket down the hall yesterday and he stopped me just before the living room and said, "Momma, I'll get that," it was such a sweet gesture and he does things like that to help me all the time. I know you are proud of your Bubba, babe!

I start week 5 of my classes tomorrow (well today.. I think its after midnight now) and that means I'm at the halfway point. I've got two solid A's and one that I'll be lucky to bring up to a C. But I will get through it - it is just difficult for me to get into, and the subject is "research". Well joy. But it is super exciting looking at my degree plan, seeing that there are only 3 classes left. It is wonderful and I LOVE IT! So I will press on - not much longer.

Gotta get JR's school shirts, then he'll be 100% ready for school. his supplies weren't too terribly expensive, and we found him some pants at WM so just gotta get the shirts.

I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday - ahhhh countdown day!

and I got to talk to you! that is all!

1 JR Haircut
2 Brady baths are in the sink ONLY now, too squirmy in the big bath
3 Had to throw out food from the freezer because its kaput again
4 Shopped for JR school uniforms before they're bought out
5 Homework now til the wee hours...

I love you!!!!!!!!